Zombie Apocalypse (working title) is a first person shooter demo where the player has to escape a zombie infested, post apocalyptic island, solve quests and stay alive. The brief of this solo game dev project was to implement 10 to 15 gameplay mechanics and to create a coherent and fun gaming experience.

The first iteration was confined to a small map with a few key areas such as safe zones, danger zones and loot box spots, where movement and AI was tested.


After the basic mechanics were implemented the first level was built which is set in a rocky, industrial area next to an abandoned lakeside factory.

The player starts on a bridge which functions as tutorial area, the player learns how to move around and shoot zombies.

Some of the basic mechanics are walking, jumping, sprinting, crouching, zooming. The player also slides downs on slopes, head bops, has dynamic footstep sounds, a stamina and health system, respawns after death, can switch between weapons (and shoot) and can can interact with objects in various ways such as open doors and pickup items.

There’s a mini map and different types of damage such as continuous damage from fires or heat vents or hit damage from zombies or broken glass.

Health pickups and powerups are around combat areas, or more hidden areas to reward exploring.

The player can also permanently upgrade health by collecting “armour” such as a leather jacket and leather pants.

To create hot and cool zones zombie hordes spawn at specific areas when triggered.

The player has to finish quests before they are able to progress into certain areas, like turning on a generator or finding door keys.

Visual Effects and plenty of sounds add life to the world.

Lighting and VFX also help the player to find key areas and objects.

The game has an outdoor level (The Lakeside Factory) and indoor level (The Factory Tunnels) and the player gets a new weapon in level 2.

In the settings the player can change preferences and have an overview of the controls.

This was a major project since all the coding and world building was done by myself, it was probably the project I learned the most about C#.